Allergic to Wool? Time to Try Alpaca Fleece - A Hypoallergenic Alternative for Wool Sensitive People

Allergic to Wool? Time to Try Alpaca Fleece - A Hypoallergenic Alternative for Wool Sensitive People

Alpaca by Design on Aug 17th 2023

Do you break out in hives or experience itchy rashes when wearing wool? If so, you’re not alone. Wool allergies and sensitivities afflict many people worldwide. Contact with wool fabrics can cause skin irritation, rashes, and itching. So those with wool allergies often assume they need to avoid all animal fibers and stick to synthetics. But with alpaca fleece, that’s not the case. Alpaca offers a hypoallergenic, wool-free option that lets you enjoy the benefits of natural fiber instead. 

Why is alpaca hypoallergenic? It comes down to the structure of the individual fiber strands. Wool contains microscopic scales on its surface that cause irritation and trigger allergic reactions. In contrast, alpaca fiber has a very smooth, cylindrical structure without these scales. This means there are no prickly edges to provoke discomfort and allergic symptoms when worn next to sensitive skin.

Lanolin, the natural wool grease found in sheep’s fleece, can also provoke allergies. But alpaca fiber contains no lanolin whatsoever. This clean fleece further reduces potential for allergic contact dermatitis. Those with lanolin allergies can safely wear alpaca without risk of rashes and hives.

With its scale and lanolin-free properties, most people with wool allergies can don alpaca garments without issue. In fact, alpaca clothes and blankets are recommended by dermatologists and allergy groups as a hypoallergenic alternative. Where wool causes miserable itching, alpaca provides pure softness and comfort against the skin.  

Of course, individuals may react differently based on the specific allergen. Some may be sensitive to the alpaca dander or grease rather than wool scales or lanolin. Doing a skin patch test is recommended before adopting alpaca products. But many find they can finally wear cozy sweaters and accessories without any adverse reaction.

Beyond its hypoallergenic benefits, alpaca fleece has other advantages over wool. It is naturally water resistant, while wool absorbs moisture readily. Alpaca fiber also contains tiny air pockets that provide excellent insulation and breathability. This makes alpaca clothing ideal for outdoor activities and adventures.  

And when it comes to softness, alpaca is in a league of its own. It makes cashmere feel rough in comparison. The silky texture adds comfort and luxury whether worn directly against the skin or in outer layers.

Alpaca wool-free yarns, fabrics and finished products are now widely available from reputable brands. For those with wool allergies, it opens up abundant stylish, hypoallergenic choices.

Allergies and skin sensitivities shouldn't mean a lifetime of itchy clothing. With luxuriously soft, non-irritating alpaca wear, wool-sensitive people can embrace the comfort of natural fibers again. Breathable, durable and eco-friendly, alpaca fleece offers healthy benefits inside and out. No more scratchy synthetics or sacrifice of style. Alpaca provides the allergy-free alternative you’ve been searching for.